Press Release

June 2, 2023

JN Group Employees Volunteer for Labour Day

March 7, 2023

Consider Mutual Funds as Part of Retirement Planning

February 27, 2023

Pay Key Attention to Your Investment Decisions Says Financial Advisor

August 31, 2022

It is Never too Young to Start Investing – Says JN Fund Managers

May 31, 2022

Opportunities Abound in the Metaverse Experts Say…

Winston Wilkins, lead research analyst at MC Systems, the technology company of The Jamaica National Group says investors and business persons should look for the opportunities that will emerge from the metaverse.
May 2, 2022

‘Metaverse’ Virtual Event to be hosted by JN Fund Managers on May 5

April 28, 2022

Look to Equities Market; Real Estate, Hospitality, Entertainment also Rich with Opportunities, says Dylan Coke

April 28, 2022

Mutual Funds Are Ideal for Wealth Creation

February 7, 2022

JN Fund Managers Launches Digital Onboarding