Disclosure of JN Fund Managers’ Business Continuity Plan

The JN Fund Managers’ Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is a part of the JN Group’s overall risk management framework in place to protect the assets of the company and our ability to serve clients, in the event of any significant business disruption or catastrophe.

JN Fund Managers, a member of the JN Group, is aware that our clients rely on our services and systems, in order to access financial information and stay abreast of their financial status. We dedicate our resources and utilize our expertise to develop and implement a BCP that is viable, with the goal of ensuring that in the event of business interruptions, our service to clients and other stakeholders will return to normalcy within the shortest time possible. The BCP includes:

  • Maintenance of a back-up system of client and other information.
  • Arrangements to ensure reasonable communication with customers, regulators and other stakeholders.
  • Periodic testing of certain components of the plan to ensure its effectiveness.

The information contained in this disclosure is for educational purposes only. It must be pointed out that although our best efforts are taken to prepare for the unexpected, we can neither guarantee the likely impact nor the actual outcome. Additionally, JN Fund Managers has no control over other entities that we may rely upon in the event of an emergency. We continue to review and update the plan to assess the changing risks and adapt them to ensure effectiveness.

For further information, please contact us at info@jnfunds.com or Tel: 876-929-7102/ 876-929-2289